About Domain Transfer
Before you get started
To transfer a domain, the Domain should not be a current registration or transfer (within sixty days), and it should not be invalid or close to expiration. We advocate initiating a transfer a minimum of 15 days ago Domain terminates.
Assure your Whois email address is current, as that’s the address we’ll use to authorize the transfer.
Every domain transfer extends your domain registration by one year.
Domain Transfer Process:
- Unlock your Domain, then copy the authentication code.
- Paste Authentication code Box to start your domain transfer.
- Authorize the domain transfer via the email sent to your Whois email address.
- Verify the domain transfer with your previous registrar if they contact you.
- The Domain is added to your WEB IT FIRM account, and you are notified.
Domain Transfer FAQ
How long will it want to complete a domain transfer?
Domain transfers will take anyplace from 1-15 days.
Will my website/email be changed while the domain transfer?
In most cases, no. as a result of the name servers for your domain aren't affected throughout the domain transfer.
Will, I lost my domain if the transfer fails?
No, your domain will live at your previous registrar.
I can't accept my previous registrar to update my Whois email address. Can I yet transfer my domain?
You must be able to get mail at your Whois email address to authorize the transfer. We cannot fulfill your transfer unless.
I didn't get my domain transfer authorization code from my current registrar. Could you yet transfer my domain?
Sorry, we could not transfer a domain without a valid authorization code.
Can I transfer my domain if already expired?
You are welcome to begin it; however, the probability is that it'll not work. Most registrars need you to renew before you can transfer a domain right away.
Do I get my money back if the domain transfer fails?
Your record will be credited the full domain transfer fee. The balance can be used for any future purchases. Sorry, we cannot issue a cash refund.
How do I transfer a domain between two WebitFirm accounts?
Change owner request and not a domain transfer. A change ownership request is free and can be started by the domain recipient on our change owner page.